40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

Powerpoint: Summary of Words From the Fast

What’s in the slideshow

God has responded to our question, “Lord, what are you doing?” and I’ve been at work summarizing what we believe he’s said.  At church, I went over my synopsis quite quickly! Many of you have asked for more detail.  Soon, Gerry and I will send out a newsletter that provides just that.  In the meantime, here’s the slideshow from Sunday so you can have another look.

The slideshow summarizes the five strongest themes.  Many of the slides have a theme for the title and a couple of “soundbites” in the bullets. These soundbites are phrases or images that were examples of that theme.

Improving the graphics

Note that you want higher-quality graphics, you just need to do a couple of things:

  1. No Download: Provides slightly better quality
    1. Click on the little full-screen box on the bottom right corner of the black screen above
    2. You’ll go to a new screen that’s almost entirely black.  Click on “Start Slide Show” at the top, near the right
  2. Download: Provides the best quality (and the animations should actually work properly!)  There are two ways to do this:
    1. Click on the purple words “Download [10.27 MB]”, underneath and to the left of the black box just above you now.
    2. Click on the fullscreen box.  That new black screen will appear.  Click on and then choose “Download” from the top bar.
Getting the original words

Clearly, this is a synopsis.  If you want to read the original pictures, dreams and words, you’ll find most of them in this same section, under, “Words From the Fast.”


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