Knowing It's Him

Why It Matters If We Know the Voice

Why This Matters to Me

As Christians, we read Exodus and begin to drool. Wow. What would be like?? The passage goes on to talk about the radiance of Moses’ face, and our heads begin to spin.

What would that be like? To speak to God face-to-face?

And why doesn’t He/She do that with me?

Why do we want this so badly? After all, it sounds like we get to do it for all eternity. Perhaps we could wait until then.

Well, it may be that that’s exactly the point. We’re designed to hear from the Lord. We are designed for intimacy.

As a result, I’ve made it my life’s goal to know the voice of the Lord. I’ve overemphasized it at times. Sometimes His goal is for me to not know what He’s doing. But overall, this desire to know the will of the Lord has a blessing.

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